Child Check Articles

The child check is based on The Hague Protocol. This protocol was implemented in a region around the city of The Hague in 2007. Subsequently, it has been introduced in a large number of hospitals in the Netherlands. It aims to stop child abuse and offer voluntary community-based support to families.

Click here to read the thesis ‘Detection of child maltreatment based on parental characteristics at the hospital Emergency Department’ by Dr. Hester Diderich-Lolkes de Beer

Check it out: Interview on The Hague Protocol and the internatonal pilot for the website ACESTooHigh.

Interested in a pilot?
A research proposal is available for hospitals interested in conducting a pilot.
Please contact Dr. Hester Diderich:
For more information, read the research proposal of a hospital in Norway.

Various articles on the results and implementation of this protocol have been published in the following scientific journals:

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