€ 15,- Bestellen

Beschreibung des Schulungsmoduls

Talking about violence evokes emotions in yourself and in the other person. During a webinar, Professor Adriaenssens, child and youth psychiatrist, tells about the functioning of the brain during discussions about domestic violence. He illustrates this using various animations and video case studies. You will learn what a good basic attitude is, what interview techniques you can use and how you can utilize the expertise of parents. Questions included in the webinar are, among others: how do you recognize escalating emotions? Which areas of the brain are active during a conversation? Which communication techniques help if emotions obstruct a conversation? What are important aspects of a basic attitude? This e-lecture lasts approximately 30 minutes.


Krankenhäuser, Sonstige



Ausgaben Schulung € 15,-
MwSt. (21%) € 3,15
Gesamt (inkl. MwSt.) € 18,15

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