€ 55,- Bestellen

Beschreibung des Schulungsmoduls

As a doctor, you may come into contact with cases of child abuse and you have the task of detecting this abuse. This course offers you guidelines for doing so.

The course begins with an explanation about the various forms of child abuse, the origin and the consequences of it. Next, you will learn how you can substantiate a possible suspicion of child abuse by means of screening questions. You will see how an expert carries out an examination from top to toe and you will learn what you should look out for during such an examination, how you note down details and how you photograph injuries.

As a result of the interactive work forms, you yourself will set to work actively with the information. You will apply the information offered and exchange experiences with the other course participants. The work forms are alternated with animations and case study fragments.

The course is rounded off with a test, for which you must obtain a score of 55 for a sufficient assessment.





Ausgaben Schulung € 55,-
MwSt. (21%) € 11,55
Gesamt (inkl. MwSt.) € 66,55

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