
Vocational education teachers: Working with the reporting code

Dit betreft een Engelstalige cursus - As a VET teacher, you may be concerned about the safety or well-being of your students. The Reporting Code Act will then provide you with tools.

1,5 uur

€ 34,- (incl. btw) Bestellen

Omschrijving scholingsonderdeel

Vocational education teachers sometimes worry about the safety or well-being of their students. The Reporting Code Act provides them with tools. In this e-learning teachers will learn how to respond according to this act.

This course contains:

  • Content of the Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Reporting Code Act (in Dutch: Meldcode huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling)
  • What are the 5 steps of the Reporting Code Act?
  • Origins and consequences of domestic violence
  • What types of domestic violence exist?
  • How to recognize signs of domestic violence?
  • What to do as a teacher?

Note: This e-learning includes some additional (background) documents. These documents are only available in Dutch

Commissioned by

The Dutch Ministries of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and Education, Culture and Science (OCW)

Developed for

This part of the course has been developed for teachers in vocational education

Dit scholingsonderdeel is geschikt voor



Kosten training € 28,10
BTW (21%) € 5,90
Totaal (incl. BTW) € 34,-

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